Monday, December 22, 2008

Welcome to CVille Skeptics!

Hey all! I hope this becomes a forum for our group members, and anyone else who's not in CVille that wants to chime in and join the fun. It's really easy to use Blogger so you can start writing. If you already have a Google account (such as with GMail), you are halfway there. Just sign into Blogger (see the "Sign In" link at the top right?) and leave a comment here telling me you want in, and I'll add you to the author list. Or, message me on our MeetUp site.

If you do not already have a Google account, you can go here to create one! Once you've created your account, follow the same steps as above to become an author. From then, you can click "New Post" up at the top to write your own blog posts. Or, just feel free to chime in on the comments. Be sure to check out Blogger Help for tips, tricks, and questions, and I can certainly try to answer technical questions!

**UPDATE**: I'm a dodo. In order to add authors, I actually need your GMail address (Google Account name), so go ahead and email me at gugnico [at] gmail [dot] com to be added.